the audition guide

8 Things to remember the night before an audition

Auditioning for a dance company can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience, especially if it’s your first time.

The thought of performing in front of ballet professionals and other aspiring dancers, can be overwhelming. However, there are a few things you can do to make the experience more enjoyable and less stressful. In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips on how to prepare for a dance audition.


1. Have all your things ready

Make sure you have all the necessary items with you, such as your outfit, shoes (backup shoes), knee-pads, socks, clothes to keep you warm through out the day, as well as any other items you may need like extra underwear, an extra outfit (incase you want to change after class from sweating too much etc). You don’t want to arrive at the audition and realize you forgot something essential.


2. Double-check your travel plans

Know your route to the studio and how long it takes you to get there. If you’re taking public transport, try to account for any minor delays. This way, you won’t be rushing or stressing about being late.


3. Fix your hair before you arrive

Make sure that you spare enough time in the morning for your hair. Arrive prepared for your audition, you don’t want to spend the time arranging your hair at the audition when you could be warming up. Allow yourself enough time in the morning in case you want to change your hair a few times. You don’t want to be rushed and not be able to do what you want with your hair.


4. Pack enough food and drinks

Auditions can last for several hours, so make sure you have had a good meal the day before, and pack lunch or some snacks to take with you. Be prepared to stay the whole day. Some auditions are held in places or on days where supermarkets and shops are closed or hard to come by. I find it best to take my own food. It’s best to have small snacks you can eat quickly and that won’t make you feel uncomfortably full. Preparation is key for any audition.


5. Don't forget your water bottle!

Sometimes you won’t have enough time to get to the closest water fountain or to the theater cantina and believe me, you will need water!


6. Don't take valuable items with you

Avoid taking valuable items with you that could get lost or misplaced in a room full of people. You want to focus on the audition, not worry about your belongings.


7. Prepare to be versatile

It’s essential to be versatile when auditioning for a dance company. Pack everything you need, from pointe shoes to knee-pads, so you’re ready for anything. If you’re unsure about what to bring, research the company and its repertoire to get a better idea, but be prepared for anything!


8. Have a relaxing evening the night before

The night before the audition, try to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Don’t eat too late or too much, and don’t spend the night partying. Instead, take it easy and prepare for the day ahead. Try and not get too stressed!


In conclusion...

To sum up, preparing for a dance audition requires planning and organization. By following these tips, you can arrive at the audition feeling confident, comfortable, and ready to showcase your skills. Remember to stay calm, stay focused, and most importantly, have fun!

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