the audition guide

Cover Letter

Write a cover letter that will help you get noticed!

To begin you need to have a good cover letter.  

It needs to be personal yet formal.  

So let’s begin…  


Before you begin writing your cover letter be sure to do some research on the company you are applying for.

You can check out this post for a guideline on how to do so:

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What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a letter to introduce yourself and show interest to the company you are applying to.


Usually, a cover letter would be a separate attachment to your email when applying for most jobs. What I have found most effective in the dancing world is to have The Email as your cover letter. 

Who am I emailing?

The Email should always be addressed to the Director of the company unless specified otherwise.


Example:  If the email address is something like: – address it to the Director.  

It is rare to address an email to anyone other than the Director unless you have a personal contact within the company. Then address it to them.

Some audition posts will ask you to email a specific person, be sure to check who the application asks you to address the email to. 

Again if it is unclear, address it to the Director of the company. 

What should I put in the email...

Now, you need to say a little bit about who you are:

Your name, where you come from, and the company you are currently in (if you are in one) .

But don’t write your whole biography here that’s for later in your CV.  


Next, you should write something along the lines of;

I would like to audition for a place in your company/ I would love to come, take class, and audition for your company.  


Lastly, you should add that you have attached below your CV, along with your videos and photos.  


Sign off:

Yours Sincerely / Respectfully / Kind Regards / Best Regards 

Below you will find two examples of The Email

The Good

Dear Full Name Or Mr/Ms Last Name,


My name is … I come from … and am currently working in …

I would like to audition for a place in your company / I would love to come, take class, and audition for your company.


Please find attached below my CV, photos and a showreel.


Yours sincerely,

Your Full Name

The Bad

To/Hello First Name / To whom it may concern


My name is … I come from … and am currently working in …

I am x years old with blonde hair and blue eyes. I began dancing when I was very young and joined a school in 2000.


While I was browsing the internet I saw your company is looking for dancers. I think I would be a great addition to your company.

I am currently living far away but am happy to travel at any point or Skype call if you would prefer.


As you can see on my CV (attached below with photos and a showreel) that I have plenty of experience and love to dance.



Your First Name

Keep it to the point!

Your email should be to the point. It should give enough information about you.

Enough for them to want to open up your CV and be interested.

A director may have to go through hundreds of applications in a week, writing down your life story will not be helpful at this point!

Remember: " too long = boring = time-consuming | "

Something to keep in mind

Most of the interactions I have had via email, have been relatively informal.  

Always be polite and always spellcheck!! 

Additionally, if you can, have someone else read through your email before you send it, you never know what they may notice.  

Cover Letter

Lets work on your CV next...

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